I'm happy to fill your food orders. Please note some of the ingredients have changed while I adjust. Any questions please email me. I'm looking forward to supporting my bird friends. Thank you
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For supplemental feeding
Black seed mix
suitable for parakeets
Yellow seed mix
suitable for canaries and finches
Excello Parakeet Blend Fortified, safflower, black oil sunflower, Mazuri pellets, calcium citrate, wheat germ oil, Probios probiotic.
Excello Canary Seed mix standard, Excello Finch Seed mix standard, Excello Parakeet Seed blend fortified, calcium citrate, wheat germ oil, Probios probiotic.
Red seed mix
suitable for cockatiels and lovebirds
White seed mix
suitable for cockatiels and lovebirds
Excello Cockatiel mix standard, Excello Parakeet blend fortified, safflower, ~2.5% Mazuri pellets, black oil sunflower, calcium citrate, wheat germ oil, Probios probiotic.
Excello Cockatiel mix standard, ~23% Mazuri pellets, Excello Parakeet blend fortified, safflower, black oil sunflower, calcium citrate, wheat germ oil, Probios probiotic.
Blue seed mix
suitable for conures
and parrots
Large Blue seed mix
suitable for Large parrots
Mazuri pellets, safflower, black oil sunflower, dried fruit, oat groats, striped sunflower, peanuts.
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